Monday, February 4, 2013

'Think Pink' Basketball Game Honors Breast Cancer Survivors ...

The Uni?ver?sity of New Mex?ico Women?s Bas?ket?ball team will face fierce com?pe?ti?tion from UNLV on Sat?ur?day, Feb.9. The game will also fea?ture an even fiercer bat?tle ? the bat?tle against breast can?cer. Tip-off for the game against UNLV is set 2 p.m. The UNM Can?cer Cen?ter and UNM Hos?pi?tals encour?age all audi?ence mem?bers to wear pink to raise aware?ness for breast can?cer and to honor all women with the disease.

Breast can?cer took the lives of 40,589 women in the United States in 2008, the lat?est year for which Cen?ters for Dis?ease Con?trol and Pre?ven?tion data were avail?able. That same year, the CDC reports that 210,203 Amer?i?can women were diag?nosed with breast can?cer. It is the second-most com?mon can?cer among women in the United States and the lead?ing cause of can?cer death among women of all races and populations.

?Our breast can?cer patients con?stantly show us their tremen?dous courage,? said Cheryl Will?man, direc?tor and CEO of the UNM Can?cer Center.

The UNM Can?cer Cen?ter will host an invitation-only pre-game recep?tion for breast can?cer sur?vivors and their fam?ily and friends. At half?time, the UNM Can?cer Cen?ter, UNM Hos?pi?tals and Lobo Women?s Bas?ket?ball team will honor the women in a court-side ceremony.

?It is a priv?i?lege to pub?licly rec?og?nize these amaz?ing women,? Will?man said. ?We thank the Lobo Women?s bas?ket?ball team for their sup?port and participation.?


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