Throme: the city with the mask // Itex: a shadowy organization with a goal. // What happens when secrets are finally revealed?
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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.Welcome, one and all, to the Character Lounge (see before)! The GMs may have wanted to keep it secret, but secret it shall be no more! If you or your character wants to take a drink, unwind, relax, just sit down and enjoy yourselves! If not... well, someone may force you to do so anyway. Say anything you want, do anything you want, that's... the Characters' Lounge! Ahaha! Go ahead! Enjoy yourselves! Ahahahaha!!! ;) Yours truly, Karim.
Posting goes as follows, so we all know who's saying what...
Amara: *sighs* You know, Karim, some people need to relax. I'm sure they're soaked from the rain. Give them time to warm up before shouting at them...
Karim: Amy, stop being such a... a... spoilsport! Something! We have snacks! Drinks! Food! Drinks! Games! Drinks! Come on!
*Karim tries to drag Amara from her couch, to no avail.*
Witless: Why are you so incompatible? *sighs and sits down on another couch*
Karim: Hey! Don't barge in here! Characters only! OUT! Outoutoutoutout! Read the sign!
Witless: ... *looks around* What sign?
Karim: That one! *sign appears: "No Craters Aloud"*
*Witless sighs and glances over to Caine and Kaden*
*Caine and Kaden sit back to back, drawing distractedly...*
*Witless puts his face in his hands*
Witless: Help? Anybody? I can't handle them alone!
Interested in strategy, manipulation, and lying? Check out the Liar Game Casino and sign up to compete as you prepare for the third Liar Game Tournament! Newcomers are welcome!-
Witless - Member for 2 years
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